Retention Pits Lids
Stormwater retention pits are usually a requirement made by Local Council during a sub-division. They are designed to slow the flow of stormwater into the existing (council) stormwater system. We manufacture retention pit lids to standard sizes to suit these retention systems (usually in stock).
We can also manufacture any size larger multi-part lids to suit your requirements. Retention lids are usually access cover / grate combination in one frame incorporating coverage of the weir wall. As we manufacture here we can vary the grate type - heelguard and non-bikeproof are also available. We can also supply step irons, trash grates or mesh screens for the pits along with orifice plates as required.
Please contact the office for competitive prices.
Retention Lid Combinations
We can manufacture a wide range of combinations of retention pit lid combinations to suit your requirements. In this example we have combined a Terra Firma solid lid with a Mesh Heelguard Grate for a highly foot-trafficable application.
Other options include our standard mild steel concrete infill lid, lids for exposed aggregate or pavers, solid top checkerplate lids combined with all of our grate options including our new FRP grates or any other Heelguard option.
Trash Grates
Install in retention pits to prevent outlet from filling with debris. Comes in standard sizes of 500x500x150 and 300x300x150. Also available in maximesh.
Orifice Plates and Mesh Screens
We manufacture orifice plates with any size orifice to control the outflow of water from retentions pits as well as maximesh screens with angles if required by local councils.